Is it smart to save on marketing when consumers lost the motivation to spend money on products which they don’t need immediately? The furniture manufacturer Decodom decided on the opposite strategy. After the bombardment of news concerning worsening economics, they tripled their marketing budget. The company’s co-owner Vladimír Šrámek says that it was worth it. Sales grew by one-fifth. Globally, the situation was the opposite as most of the media was affected by cost-conscious advertisers. Presently, marketers have a more difficult time. Even if the management hasn‘t reduced the marketing budget they have to count with the changed consumers. They are polarized, waiting for lower prices and their eyes are focused on the price label even more than the former. According to TNS SK’s May research about consumer behavior the consumers are divided into two relatively equal halves. On the general question if the economic recession affected them 49% of respondents answered yes. Most often they stated job loss as a reason (either their own loss or within a close circle of people), lowered income and the necessity to save money. 47% of respondents, mostly Western Slovaks, businessmen and managers, didn’t feel the effect of the crisis. Out of them three-quarters live as they lived before the economy started to fall. They almost didn’t decreae their expenses at all.I Pg 28
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