In regards to the orientation of the current governmental coalition, it’s clear that social enterprises were mentioned as the first anti-crisis measures. But even more importantly, based on the government’s proposals, there are going to be tax adjustments. The amount, of at least half of the 322 million euro package, will remain in taxpayer’s pockets. The Ministry of Finance, which came up with the idea to increase the tax-free minimum from 19.2 multiplied by the life minimum (3435.26 eur) to 22.5 multiplied by the life minimum (4026.6 euros), is also going to resort to other measures. From the first of March, the so-called “millionaire tax” is going to change the limit of the gradual drop of the tax-free part from 100 multiple of the life minimum to 86 multiple of the life minimum. The increase of the tax-free part of the tax base will automatically cause the increase of employee bonuses. Due to bonuses, the government will pay an extra 19% of the difference between 12 multiple of the minimum wage and the tax-free minimum to people earning more than half of the minimum wage: 148 euros. Based on the proposed changes, bonuses would go up to 15.1 euros monthly. I Pg 18
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