TRENDY Fridays: Slovakia shows solidarity with Ukraine
This week, we are covering how Slovakia reacted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and what it means for our economy, as well as the widening gap between the Czech Republic and Slovakia
This week, we are covering how Slovakia reacted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and what it means for our economy, as well as the widening gap between the Czech Republic and Slovakia
This week, we are covering the long-awaited tax reform, the record-breaking inflation, and the government fight with the energy crisis. It should be interesting
This week, we are covering what the Russia-Ukraine conflict means for the Slovak economy, the trend of grocery tourism, and the newest retail store on the market. Let’s get started
This week, we are covering the financial struggle of Bratislava Airport, the necessity of salary increases, and the debate around lowering VAT. Enjoy
This week, we are covering inflation, energy prices, and the future of nuclear energy in Slovakia. We also look at the crisis on the Ukraine-Russia border and the new wave of Omicron
This week, we are covering one crisis in the cultural sector reflected in empty and underfinanced theatres and another crisis in the agricultural sector. For business inspiration, we will look at three companies making history in Slovakia. Grab your coffee and dive in.
This week, we are covering the tax reform, parenting bonus criticism, and the housing market. Settle in.
Štyridsaťjedenročný Japonec ponúka riešenie na jednu z pandémií 21. storočia. Ročne eviduje približne tisíc žiadostí
AI minulý rok vyčerpala ľudské poznatky, z ktorých sa učila
Energetický sektor poskytuje Moskve najväčší zdroj financovania vojny proti Ukrajine
Ak bude výpadok dlhodobý, mohol by paralyzovať rozhodovaciu činnosť mesta