In 2020, multiple Slovak theatres lost more than two thirds of their revenue. In 2021, the loss is predicted to be even greater for many. · TRENDY Fridays: The government’s rules are bankrupting theatres

Current rules for mass events permit theatres to fill only half of their capacity. And even this is a concession theatres had to fight for – the original plan allowed only 50 people at an event. Only small independent groups would survive these restrictions – just the Slovak National Theatre (SND) has a capacity of 900 seats.

Many theatres are financed by the state, region, or city. If the state does not allow them the opportunity to raise their own money through tickets sales and renting out the theatre, in the end, it will be the state who will have to dig deeper into its pockets to keep the theatres afloat.

In an interview for TREND, Matej Bošňák, the finance director of SND, explains the organization's financial management and how he hopes to recover its financial position in the future.

Viliam Klimáček, a director for the GUnaGU theatre, says the rules are chaotic and it’s difficult to draw up a schedule: “Boris Kollár stands up for skiers, God stands up for churches, and theatres aren’t open because there’s only the pagan God Dionysus behind us, and he’s an alcoholic and a raver and wouldn’t negotiate with the government”.

Slovakia scores last place in food production in Europe

The Slovak Food Chamber (PKS) has pointed out Slovakia holds the last place in food production in Europe and has expressed worries that the EU Common agricultural policy strategic plan for years 2023 to 2027 will only deepen the crisis.

Pig farming: The pork industry is threatened by low labor costs, African swine fever, international competition, and insufficient support. Breeders, processing plants, sellers, and even the state agree that they would like to see the local pig industry grow. Yet the share of pork in shops is only at 20% and farms are closing.

Poultry farming: Although the situation is dire in terms of rising feed prices and the occurrence of bird flu, farmers are talking about increased profits and setting up new farms following the latest trend – free-range egg-laying hens.

Dairy farming: The Slovak Association of Primary Milk Producers (SZPM) says they cannot sustain the current raw cow milk production and employment without support from the state. The milk production in Slovakia is on the decline due to the falling numbers of animals, now about 4,000 a year. The loss of these cows means the loss of milk for 170,000 people.

Local Luminaries

  • Vaillant Group, a leading German company in hot water, heating, and cooling solutions, has announced they are going to invest 120m euros into building a new modern factory Heat Pump World Senica. Air source heat pumps are a popular renewable energy solution for heating homes. The future factory director, Radovan Prístavok, says that he is expecting to be hiring up to 1,000 workers.
  • The company BFC Energy, based in Banská Bystrica, is in the process of preparing a network of green hydrogen filling stations. Unlike most hydrogen, green hydrogen is not generated by natural gas but by electrolysis of water, making it a promising alternative to not only petrol but also electric cars – they are often powered by electricity generated by fossil fuels.
  • Tatrasvit Svit-Socks produces 3m pairs of socks for adults and children and is renowned for their quality, service, and a history of prestigious cooperation including Hugo Boss, Lacoste and Alain Delon. One of their top customers in Slovakia is the popular brand Fusakle. Their success is evidences also by their profit increase in 2020 when it reached 740%.

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