Minister obrany Jaroslav Naď vlani zastavil napríklad tender na transportéry 4x4, urobil to na základe zistení ÚVO. Zdroj: Jaroslav Novák
Taiwanese F-16 fighter jets fly in formation during national day celebrations of the centenial anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China government in Taipei, Taiwan, Monday, Oct. 10, 2011. National Day is known as Double-Ten Day, Oct. 10, commemorating the Chinese republican revolution of October 10, 1911, bringing the end of mainland China's Qing dynasty. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying) Zdroj: TASR
Na snímke sovietske tanky T-34/85 v obci Kapišová v okrese Svidník. Kapišová, 9. septembra 2020. EASYFOTO TASR - Maroš Černý Zdroj: Maroš Èerný