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Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
At Intel's 2018 CES booth, visitors step inside an immersive LED tunnel that brings 5G to life. A vistor's presence triggers a three-act interactive story, including safe connected cars that instantly communicate hazards to nearby vehicles and the cloud; smart cities that leverage 5G-connected IoT solutions to quickly defuse potentially dangerous situations; and the power of latency-free virtual reality that will transform education. Intel Corporation displays how the power of data is affecting
CES 2018
Playbrush: Gamifikácia čistenia zubov
Solos: Smart okuliare pre športovcov
Sanbot Max: Robospoločník s pohyblivými rukami

Byton: Prémiový elektromobil alebo smartfón na kolesách
Samsung The Wall modulárny televízor na CES 2018_1
PowerDolphin: Vodný dron
Kodak Scanza: Skonvertuje klasické filmy do digitálu
T-Mobile Aréna, sídlo hokejového tímu Vegas Golden Knights
Tím Culcharge: slovenské powerbanky na CES-e
At Intel's 2018 CES booth, visitors step inside an immersive LED tunnel that brings 5G to life. A vistor's presence triggers a three-act interactive story, including safe connected cars that instantly communicate hazards to nearby vehicles and the cloud; smart cities that leverage 5G-connected IoT solutions to quickly defuse potentially dangerous situations; and the power of latency-free virtual reality that will transform education. Intel Corporation displays how the power of data is affecting
Project Nursery: Baby vysielačka s hlasovým ovládaním
Timescope: VR kiosk do múzea
Luka: Robotická sova čínskej firmy Ling, ktorá deťom číta knihy, pošle ich spať aj ich zobudí.
Toyota: Budúcnosť pojazdných predajní
Bellus3D: Skenovanie tváre pomocou smartfónu
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
Aká bola honba za klenotom
 vo  Vegas
At Intel's 2018 CES booth, visitors step inside an immersive LED tunnel that brings 5G to life. A vistor's presence triggers a three-act interactive story, including safe connected cars that instantly communicate hazards to nearby vehicles and the cloud; smart cities that leverage 5G-connected IoT solutions to quickly defuse potentially dangerous situations; and the power of latency-free virtual reality that will transform education. Intel Corporation displays how the power of data is affecting