At Intel's 2018 CES booth, visitors step inside an immersive LED tunnel that brings 5G to life. A vistor's presence triggers a three-act interactive story, including safe connected cars that instantly communicate hazards to nearby vehicles and the cloud; smart cities that leverage 5G-connected IoT solutions to quickly defuse potentially dangerous situations; and the power of latency-free virtual reality that will transform education. Intel Corporation displays how the power of data is affecting Zdroj: Intel
CES 2018 Zdroj: Intel
Playbrush: Gamifikácia čistenia zubov Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
Solos: Smart okuliare pre športovcov Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
Sanbot Max: Robospoločník s pohyblivými rukami Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
Byton: Prémiový elektromobil alebo smartfón na kolesách Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
Samsung The Wall modulárny televízor na CES 2018_1 Zdroj: Samsung
PowerDolphin: Vodný dron Zdroj: PowerVision
Kodak Scanza: Skonvertuje klasické filmy do digitálu Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
T-Mobile Aréna, sídlo hokejového tímu Vegas Golden Knights Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
Tím Culcharge: slovenské powerbanky na CES-e Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
At Intel's 2018 CES booth, visitors step inside an immersive LED tunnel that brings 5G to life. A vistor's presence triggers a three-act interactive story, including safe connected cars that instantly communicate hazards to nearby vehicles and the cloud; smart cities that leverage 5G-connected IoT solutions to quickly defuse potentially dangerous situations; and the power of latency-free virtual reality that will transform education. Intel Corporation displays how the power of data is affecting Zdroj: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation
Project Nursery: Baby vysielačka s hlasovým ovládaním Zdroj: Project Nursery
Timescope: VR kiosk do múzea Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
Luka: Robotická sova čínskej firmy Ling, ktorá deťom číta knihy, pošle ich spať aj ich zobudí. Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
Toyota: Budúcnosť pojazdných predajní Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
Bellus3D: Skenovanie tváre pomocou smartfónu Zdroj: Jozef Andacký
At Intel's 2018 CES booth, visitors step inside an immersive LED tunnel that brings 5G to life. A vistor's presence triggers a three-act interactive story, including safe connected cars that instantly communicate hazards to nearby vehicles and the cloud; smart cities that leverage 5G-connected IoT solutions to quickly defuse potentially dangerous situations; and the power of latency-free virtual reality that will transform education. Intel Corporation displays how the power of data is affecting Zdroj: Intel