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KK9 Berlín - Enviromentálni aktivisti Greenpeace protestujú s písmenami CO2 proti klimatickým zmenám pred Brandenburskou bránou v Berlíne 6. mája 2021. FOTO TASR/AP
Activists of the environment organization Greenpeace protest with CO2 letters illuminated with flames in front of the Brandenburg Gate against the climate change in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, May 6, 2021. The demonstrators demand German Chancellor Angela Merkel to push the fight against climate change during the 12th meeting of the P
KK9 Berlín - Enviromentálni aktivisti Greenpeace protestujú s písmenami CO2 proti klimatickým zmenám pred Brandenburskou bránou v Berlíne 6. mája 2021. FOTO TASR/AP
Activists of the environment organization Greenpeace protest with CO2 letters illuminated with flames in front of the Brandenburg Gate against the climate change in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, May 6, 2021. The demonstrators demand German Chancellor Angela Merkel to push the fight against climate change during the 12th meeting of the P
Okuliare Pangaia čiastočne vyrobené pomocou technológie carbon-to-value
Bill Gates na návšteve v laboratóriách Twelve
Bill Gates na návšteve v laboratóriách Twelve
Okuliare Pangaia čiastočne vyrobené pomocou technológie carbon-to-value