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John McAfee na snímke z roku 2016
John McAfee
John McAfee
This screen shot shows the McAfee website. A computer security firm says cybercriminals have spent at least the past five years targeting more than 70 government entities, nonprofit groups and corporations to steal troves of data. McAfee Inc. said in a report Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2011, that the attacks have targeted a broad range of organizations, including the United Nations, the International Olympic Committee and companies in mostly in the United States. (AP Photo)
WA 25 archív Opelka - Na archívnej snímke z 9. septembra 2015 svetovo známy vývojár softvéru pre kybernetickú bezpečnosť John McAfee odpovedá na otázku v americkom meste Opelka. McAfee bol zatknutý v Španielsku ělsku a má byť vydaný do USA kvôli obvineniu z daňových únikov a klamlivej reklamy na kryptomeny. FOTO TASR/AP

FILE - In this Sept. 9, 2015, file photo, internet security pioneer John McAfee announces his candidacy for president in Opelika, Ala. McAfee has been charged with evading taxes