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EBE 35 Peking - Na snímke elektrické malé SUV Volvo EX30 počas otvorenia čínskeho autosalónu v Pekingu v Číne vo štvrtok 25. apríla 2024. FOTO TASR/AP

A live streamer works near the Volvo EX30 fully electric small SUV unveiled during Auto China 2024 in Beijing, Thursday, April 25, 2024. Global automakers and EV startups unveiled new models and concept cars at China's largest auto show on Thursday, with a focus on the nation's transformation into a major market and production base for digitally
EBE 35 Peking - Na snímke elektrické malé SUV Volvo EX30 počas otvorenia čínskeho autosalónu v Pekingu v Číne vo štvrtok 25. apríla 2024. FOTO TASR/AP

A live streamer works near the Volvo EX30 fully electric small SUV unveiled during Auto China 2024 in Beijing, Thursday, April 25, 2024. Global automakers and EV startups unveiled new models and concept cars at China's largest auto show on Thursday, with a focus on the nation's transformation into a major market and production base for digitally
EBE 35 Peking - Na snímke elektrické malé SUV Volvo EX30 počas otvorenia čínskeho autosalónu v Pekingu v Číne vo štvrtok 25. apríla 2024. FOTO TASR/AP

A live streamer works near the Volvo EX30 fully electric small SUV unveiled during Auto China 2024 in Beijing, Thursday, April 25, 2024. Global automakers and EV startups unveiled new models and concept cars at China's largest auto show on Thursday, with a focus on the nation's transformation into a major market and production base for digitally