KK45 Londýn - Ukrajinský premiér Denys Šmyhaľ hovorí počas druhého dňa medzinárodnej konferencie o obnove a rekonštrukcii Ukrajiny v Londýne 22. júna 2023. FOTO TASR/AP Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal addresses the closing session on the second day of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, Thursday, June 22, 2023. Delegates from more than 60 countries are attending the conference that is both a fundraising forum and a message to Russia that Ukraine’s allies are in it for the long ha Zdroj: TASR/Henry Nicholls
KK45 Londýn - Ukrajinský premiér Denys Šmyhaľ hovorí počas druhého dňa medzinárodnej konferencie o obnove a rekonštrukcii Ukrajiny v Londýne 22. júna 2023. FOTO TASR/AP Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal addresses the closing session on the second day of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, Thursday, June 22, 2023. Delegates from more than 60 countries are attending the conference that is both a fundraising forum and a message to Russia that Ukraine’s allies are in it for the long ha Zdroj: TASR/Henry Nicholls
KK45 Londýn - Ukrajinský premiér Denys Šmyhaľ hovorí počas druhého dňa medzinárodnej konferencie o obnove a rekonštrukcii Ukrajiny v Londýne 22. júna 2023. FOTO TASR/AP Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal addresses the closing session on the second day of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, Thursday, June 22, 2023. Delegates from more than 60 countries are attending the conference that is both a fundraising forum and a message to Russia that Ukraine’s allies are in it for the long ha Zdroj: TASR/Henry Nicholls