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WA 1 New York - Sociálny pracovník drží za ruku cestujúcu, ktorú našiel spať vo vlaku metra v newyorskej štvrti Manhattan vo štvrtok 30. apríla 2020. FOTO TASR/AP 

A social worker holds the hand of a passenger found sleeping on a subway car as NYPD officers clear the trains and direct riders to the exits at the 207th Street A-train station, Thursday, April 30, 2020, in the Manhattan borough of New York. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
WA 1 New York - Sociálny pracovník drží za ruku cestujúcu, ktorú našiel spať vo vlaku metra v newyorskej štvrti Manhattan vo štvrtok 30. apríla 2020. FOTO TASR/AP 

A social worker holds the hand of a passenger found sleeping on a subway car as NYPD officers clear the trains and direct riders to the exits at the 207th Street A-train station, Thursday, April 30, 2020, in the Manhattan borough of New York. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
WA 1 New York - Sociálny pracovník drží za ruku cestujúcu, ktorú našiel spať vo vlaku metra v newyorskej štvrti Manhattan vo štvrtok 30. apríla 2020. FOTO TASR/AP 

A social worker holds the hand of a passenger found sleeping on a subway car as NYPD officers clear the trains and direct riders to the exits at the 207th Street A-train station, Thursday, April 30, 2020, in the Manhattan borough of New York. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)