KK33 Petrohrad - Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin (uprostred) počas stretnutia s lídrami krajín Spoločenstva nezávislých štátov (SNŠ) 26. decembra 2022 v Petrohrade. FOTO TASR/AP Russian President Vladimir Putin, centre, attends an informal meeting of the heads of ex-Soviet nations which are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, in St. Petersburg, Russia, Monday, Dec. 26, 2022. (Alexey Danichev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) Zdroj: Alexey Danichev
KK33 Petrohrad - Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin (uprostred) počas stretnutia s lídrami krajín Spoločenstva nezávislých štátov (SNŠ) 26. decembra 2022 v Petrohrade. FOTO TASR/AP Russian President Vladimir Putin, centre, attends an informal meeting of the heads of ex-Soviet nations which are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, in St. Petersburg, Russia, Monday, Dec. 26, 2022. (Alexey Danichev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) Zdroj: Alexey Danichev
KK33 Petrohrad - Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin (uprostred) počas stretnutia s lídrami krajín Spoločenstva nezávislých štátov (SNŠ) 26. decembra 2022 v Petrohrade. FOTO TASR/AP Russian President Vladimir Putin, centre, attends an informal meeting of the heads of ex-Soviet nations which are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, in St. Petersburg, Russia, Monday, Dec. 26, 2022. (Alexey Danichev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) Zdroj: Alexey Danichev