KK30 Rím - Taliansky premiér Mario Draghi čaká na svoje vystúpenie v talianskom parlamente v súvislosti s vládnou krízou 20. júla 2022 v Ríme. FOTO TASR/AP Italian Premier Mario Draghi waits to deliver his speech at the Senate in Rome, Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Draghi was deciding Wednesday whether to confirm his resignation or reconsider appeals to rebuild his parliamentary majority after the populist 5-Star Movement triggered a crisis in the government by withholding its support. (AP Photo/And Zdroj: TASR
KK30 Rím - Taliansky premiér Mario Draghi čaká na svoje vystúpenie v talianskom parlamente v súvislosti s vládnou krízou 20. júla 2022 v Ríme. FOTO TASR/AP Italian Premier Mario Draghi waits to deliver his speech at the Senate in Rome, Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Draghi was deciding Wednesday whether to confirm his resignation or reconsider appeals to rebuild his parliamentary majority after the populist 5-Star Movement triggered a crisis in the government by withholding its support. (AP Photo/And Zdroj: TASR
KK30 Rím - Taliansky premiér Mario Draghi čaká na svoje vystúpenie v talianskom parlamente v súvislosti s vládnou krízou 20. júla 2022 v Ríme. FOTO TASR/AP Italian Premier Mario Draghi waits to deliver his speech at the Senate in Rome, Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Draghi was deciding Wednesday whether to confirm his resignation or reconsider appeals to rebuild his parliamentary majority after the populist 5-Star Movement triggered a crisis in the government by withholding its support. (AP Photo/And Zdroj: TASR