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WA 28 Kyjev - Mychajlo Podoľak, poradca ukrajinského prezidenta Volodymyra Zelenského, počúva počas rozhovoru s agentúrou Associated Press v Kyjeve v stredu 28. septembra 2022. FOTO TASR/AP 

Ukrainian Presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Kyiv, Ukraine, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. Podolyak insisted that nothing would change on the battlefield if Russia goes ahead with likely plans to incorporate the four regions of southern and eastern Uk
WA 28 Kyjev - Mychajlo Podoľak, poradca ukrajinského prezidenta Volodymyra Zelenského, počúva počas rozhovoru s agentúrou Associated Press v Kyjeve v stredu 28. septembra 2022. FOTO TASR/AP 

Ukrainian Presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Kyiv, Ukraine, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. Podolyak insisted that nothing would change on the battlefield if Russia goes ahead with likely plans to incorporate the four regions of southern and eastern Uk
WA 28 Kyjev - Mychajlo Podoľak, poradca ukrajinského prezidenta Volodymyra Zelenského, počúva počas rozhovoru s agentúrou Associated Press v Kyjeve v stredu 28. septembra 2022. FOTO TASR/AP 

Ukrainian Presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Kyiv, Ukraine, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. Podolyak insisted that nothing would change on the battlefield if Russia goes ahead with likely plans to incorporate the four regions of southern and eastern Uk