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KK39 Pfreimd - Nové tanky Leopard 2 A7V nemeckej armády stoja v areáli kasární počas slávnostného odovzdania 104. tankového práporu v nemeckom Pfreimde 3. februára 2023. FOTO TASR/AP
New Leopard 2 A7V tanks from the German Army stand on the barracks grounds during the ceremonial handover for Tank Battalion 104 in Pfreimd, Germany, Friday, Feb. 3, 2023. Tank Battalion 104 will gradually be equipped with Leopard 2 A7V main battle tanks over the coming months. The suffix 2 A7V refers to the 7th dev
KK39 Pfreimd - Nové tanky Leopard 2 A7V nemeckej armády stoja v areáli kasární počas slávnostného odovzdania 104. tankového práporu v nemeckom Pfreimde 3. februára 2023. FOTO TASR/AP
New Leopard 2 A7V tanks from the German Army stand on the barracks grounds during the ceremonial handover for Tank Battalion 104 in Pfreimd, Germany, Friday, Feb. 3, 2023. Tank Battalion 104 will gradually be equipped with Leopard 2 A7V main battle tanks over the coming months. The suffix 2 A7V refers to the 7th dev
KK39 Pfreimd - Nové tanky Leopard 2 A7V nemeckej armády stoja v areáli kasární počas slávnostného odovzdania 104. tankového práporu v nemeckom Pfreimde 3. februára 2023. FOTO TASR/AP
New Leopard 2 A7V tanks from the German Army stand on the barracks grounds during the ceremonial handover for Tank Battalion 104 in Pfreimd, Germany, Friday, Feb. 3, 2023. Tank Battalion 104 will gradually be equipped with Leopard 2 A7V main battle tanks over the coming months. The suffix 2 A7V refers to the 7th dev