TO GO WITH STORY TITLED PANAMA CANAL LAND--Panamax boat cross through Panama canal Feb. 7, 2002, in Panama.Ten percent of the world's ships are unable to pass through the narrow waterway, and the canal hoping to remain one of the fastest and easiest shipping routes between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is undergoing its biggest expansion since workers carved the 50-mile (80-km) watery path through Panama's mountains.(AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) rm 13 Panama - Loï sa plaví Panamským kanálom na Zdroj: EDUARDO VERDUGO
TO GO WITH STORY TITLED PANAMA CANAL LAND--Panamax boat cross through Panama canal Feb. 7, 2002, in Panama.Ten percent of the world's ships are unable to pass through the narrow waterway, and the canal hoping to remain one of the fastest and easiest shipping routes between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is undergoing its biggest expansion since workers carved the 50-mile (80-km) watery path through Panama's mountains.(AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) rm 13 Panama - Loï sa plaví Panamským kanálom na Zdroj: EDUARDO VERDUGO
TO GO WITH STORY TITLED PANAMA CANAL LAND--Panamax boat cross through Panama canal Feb. 7, 2002, in Panama.Ten percent of the world's ships are unable to pass through the narrow waterway, and the canal hoping to remain one of the fastest and easiest shipping routes between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is undergoing its biggest expansion since workers carved the 50-mile (80-km) watery path through Panama's mountains.(AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) rm 13 Panama - Loï sa plaví Panamským kanálom na Zdroj: EDUARDO VERDUGO