Self service machine, people using the self-checkout machine. super, oxxo, walmart, chedraui, comercial mexicana, superama, City Market, costco, sams,Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico - september 21, 2023. Zdroj: Shutterstock
Self service machine, people using the self-checkout machine. super, oxxo, walmart, chedraui, comercial mexicana, superama, City Market, costco, sams,Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico - september 21, 2023. Zdroj: Shutterstock
Self service machine, people using the self-checkout machine. super, oxxo, walmart, chedraui, comercial mexicana, superama, City Market, costco, sams,Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico - september 21, 2023. Zdroj: Shutterstock