Salah Abdeslam po útokoch v Paríži volal kamarátovi do väzenia.
archív, TASR, Francúzska polícia
Obete teroristov pred klubom Bataclan.
KK16 Paríž - Kvety sú položené pred pamätníkom na pamiatku obetí Parížskych útokov spred štyroch rokov, pri ktorých zahynulo 130 ľudí, pred klubom Bataclan v Paríži 13. novembra 2019. FOTO TASR/AP
A commemorative plaque and flowers are pictured at the entrance of the Bataclan concert hall before a ceremony marking the fourth anniversary of the Paris attacks of November 2015 in which 130 people were killed, in Paris, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019. Wednesday's commemorations are clouded by the possib
Thibault Camus
A police officer takes cover behind cars outside the Bataclan theater in Paris, France, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2015. Several dozen people were killed in a series of unprecedented attacks around Paris on Friday, French President Francois Hollande said, announcing that he was closing the country's borders and declaring a state of emergency. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)
Kamil Zihnioglu
Jedno z miest útočníkov bol parížsky hudobný klub Bataclan.
Francois Mori
U.S. President Barack Obama, right, and French President Francois Hollande pay their respect at the Bataclan concert hall, one of the recent deadly Paris attack sites, after Obama arrived in the French capital to attend the World Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21), Monday, Nov. 30, 2015. (Philippe Wojazer, Pool via AP)
Philippe Wojazer
A woman is being evacuated from the Bataclan theater after a shooting in Paris, Friday Nov. 13, 2015. French President Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency and announced that he was closing the country's borders. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)
KK7 Paríž - Priatelia sa objímajú po evakuácii na trávnik národného štadióna Stade de France po priateľskom futbalovom zápase medzi Francúzskom a Nemeckom 13. novembra 2015 v Paríži. K teroristickému útoku v Paríži v blízkosti Námestia republiky, na hranici 10. a 11. obvodu francúzskej metropoly, došlo v piatok večer približne o 23.00 h. Francúzske úrady hovoria, že útoky sa odohrali na siedmich rôznych miestach. Krátko po 01.00 h sa počet obetí len v koncertnej sále Bataclan odhadoval na vyše
Christophe Ena
Špeciálna súdna sieň vytvorená na proces s teroristami, ktorí sa podieľali na útokoch v novembri 2015.
Francois Mori