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WA 67 Budapešť - Maďarský premiér Viktor Orbán počas prejavu pri príležitosti štátneho sviatku vypuknutia protihabsburskej revolúcie v rokoch 1848 - 1849 v Budapešti v piatok 15. marca 2024. FOTO TASR/AP 

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives a speech on the steps of the National Museum in Budapest, Hungary, on Friday, March 15, 2024. Orban's speech, commemorating the 176th anniversary of Hungary's failed uprising against Hapsburg rule, came as his government seeks to mitigate political d
WA 67 Budapešť - Maďarský premiér Viktor Orbán počas prejavu pri príležitosti štátneho sviatku vypuknutia protihabsburskej revolúcie v rokoch 1848 - 1849 v Budapešti v piatok 15. marca 2024. FOTO TASR/AP 

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives a speech on the steps of the National Museum in Budapest, Hungary, on Friday, March 15, 2024. Orban's speech, commemorating the 176th anniversary of Hungary's failed uprising against Hapsburg rule, came as his government seeks to mitigate political d
WA 67 Budapešť - Maďarský premiér Viktor Orbán počas prejavu pri príležitosti štátneho sviatku vypuknutia protihabsburskej revolúcie v rokoch 1848 - 1849 v Budapešti v piatok 15. marca 2024. FOTO TASR/AP 

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives a speech on the steps of the National Museum in Budapest, Hungary, on Friday, March 15, 2024. Orban's speech, commemorating the 176th anniversary of Hungary's failed uprising against Hapsburg rule, came as his government seeks to mitigate political d