EBE 4 Brusel - Na snímke eurokomisár pre vnútorný trh Thierry Breton počas tlačovej konferencie v sídle Európskej rady v Bruseli 19. novembra 2020. FOTO TASR/AP European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Thierry Breton talks during a news conference at the European Council headquarters in Brussels, Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020. (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys, Pool) Zdroj: Olivier Matthys
EBE 4 Brusel - Na snímke eurokomisár pre vnútorný trh Thierry Breton počas tlačovej konferencie v sídle Európskej rady v Bruseli 19. novembra 2020. FOTO TASR/AP European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Thierry Breton talks during a news conference at the European Council headquarters in Brussels, Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020. (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys, Pool) Zdroj: Olivier Matthys
EBE 4 Brusel - Na snímke eurokomisár pre vnútorný trh Thierry Breton počas tlačovej konferencie v sídle Európskej rady v Bruseli 19. novembra 2020. FOTO TASR/AP European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Thierry Breton talks during a news conference at the European Council headquarters in Brussels, Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020. (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys, Pool) Zdroj: Olivier Matthys