Desaťtisíce ľudí opäť protestovali proti covidpasom
JB 109 Paríž - Anti-vaxoví demonštranti pochodujú počas protestu proti pandemickým reštrikciám a proti zavedeniu covidpasu v Paríži 7. augusta 2021. FOTO TASR/AP
Anti-vax protesters against the vaccine and vaccine passports, during a demonstration in Paris, France, Saturday Aug. 7, 2021. Some thousands of people are expected to march in Paris and other French cities on Saturday to protest against a special virus pass and what they see as restrictions of personal freedoms. (AP Photo / Adrienne
JB 107 Paríž - Anti-vaxoví demonštranti pochodujú počas protestu proti pandemickým reštrikciám a proti zavedeniu covidpasu v Paríži 7. augusta 2021. FOTO TASR/AP
Anti-vax protesters face police during a protest against the vaccine and vaccine passports, in Paris, France, Saturday Aug. 7, 2021. Some thousands of people are expected to march in Paris and other French cities on Saturday to protest against a special virus pass and what they see as restrictions of personal freedoms. (AP Photo / Adr
JB 108 Paríž - Anti-vaxoví demonštranti pochodujú počas protestu proti pandemickým reštrikciám a proti zavedeniu covidpasu v Paríži 7. augusta 2021. FOTO TASR/AP
Anti-vax protesters face police during a protest against the vaccine and vaccine passports, in Paris, France, Saturday Aug. 7, 2021. Some thousands of people are expected to march in Paris and other French cities on Saturday to protest against a special virus pass and what they see as restrictions of personal freedoms. (AP Photo / Adr
JB 110 Paríž - Anti-vaxoví demonštranti držia dymovnice počas protestu proti pandemickým reštrikciám a proti zavedeniu covidpasu v Paríži 7. augusta 2021. FOTO TASR/AP
Anti-vax protesters hold a flares during a protest against the vaccine and vaccine passports, in Paris, France, Saturday Aug. 7, 2021. Some thousands of people are expected to march in Paris and other French cities on Saturday to protest against a special virus pass and what they see as restrictions of personal freedoms. (AP Phot
JB 109 Paríž - Anti-vaxoví demonštranti pochodujú počas protestu proti pandemickým reštrikciám a proti zavedeniu covidpasu v Paríži 7. augusta 2021. FOTO TASR/AP
Anti-vax protesters against the vaccine and vaccine passports, during a demonstration in Paris, France, Saturday Aug. 7, 2021. Some thousands of people are expected to march in Paris and other French cities on Saturday to protest against a special virus pass and what they see as restrictions of personal freedoms. (AP Photo / Adrienne