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KK25 Peking - Muž s ochranným rúškom na tvári kráča po visutom moste počas piesočnej búrky 13. apríla 2023 v Pekingu. Mnohé oblasti v severnej Číne pokryli vo štvrtok nánosy vetrom priviateho piesku a prachu. FOTO TASR/AP
A man wearing a face mask walks on an overhead bridge against the office buildings in the central business district as dust and sand storm sweeps through Beijing, Thursday, April 13, 2023. Many areas in northern China were blanketed with floating sand and dust on Thursday, and
KK25 Peking - Muž s ochranným rúškom na tvári kráča po visutom moste počas piesočnej búrky 13. apríla 2023 v Pekingu. Mnohé oblasti v severnej Číne pokryli vo štvrtok nánosy vetrom priviateho piesku a prachu. FOTO TASR/AP
A man wearing a face mask walks on an overhead bridge against the office buildings in the central business district as dust and sand storm sweeps through Beijing, Thursday, April 13, 2023. Many areas in northern China were blanketed with floating sand and dust on Thursday, and
KK25 Peking - Muž s ochranným rúškom na tvári kráča po visutom moste počas piesočnej búrky 13. apríla 2023 v Pekingu. Mnohé oblasti v severnej Číne pokryli vo štvrtok nánosy vetrom priviateho piesku a prachu. FOTO TASR/AP
A man wearing a face mask walks on an overhead bridge against the office buildings in the central business district as dust and sand storm sweeps through Beijing, Thursday, April 13, 2023. Many areas in northern China were blanketed with floating sand and dust on Thursday, and