Berlín Zdroj: TASR/ AP
KK6 Berlín - Na snímke v pozadí tvar srdca svieti na budove hotela Park Inn v súvislosti s pandémiou koronavírusu 1. apríla 2020 v Berlíne. FOTO TASR/AP A heart is displayed at the facade of the Park Inn Hotel near the television tower in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, April 1, 2020. In order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, the German government has considerably restricted public life and asked the citizens to stay at home. Merkel said after a telephone conference Wednesday with German Zdroj: Christophe Gateau
CUBE Berlin Zdroj: 3XM
Projekt Woho Berlin Zdroj: Mad Arkitekter
Projekt Woho Berlin Zdroj: Mad Arkitekter
EBE 13 Berlín - Na snímke osamelý cyklista na prázdnej ulici v Berlíne v Nemecku v utorok 24. marca 2020. Nemecká vláda značne obmedzila verejný život a požiadala občanov, aby ostali doma. FOTO TASR/AP A cyclist is seen on an empty road in Berlin, Germany, Tuesday, March 24, 2020. In order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, the German government has considerably restricted public life and asked the citizens to stay at home and keep distance from other people. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn) Zdroj: Michael Sohn