JB 40 Nairobi - Zdravotná sestra drží ampulku s vakcínou proti ochoreniu COVID-19 od spoločnosti AstraZeneca, ktorú darovalo Dánsko počas očkovania vo vakcinačnom centre v nemocnici v Nairobi 10. júla 2021. FOTO TASR/AP A nurse holds a bottle of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, donated by Denmark, at Mbagathi Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya Saturday, July 10, 2021. The global death toll from COVID-19 eclipsed 4 million this week as the crisis increasingly becomes a race between the vaccine and the h Zdroj: Brian Inganga
JB 40 Nairobi - Zdravotná sestra drží ampulku s vakcínou proti ochoreniu COVID-19 od spoločnosti AstraZeneca, ktorú darovalo Dánsko počas očkovania vo vakcinačnom centre v nemocnici v Nairobi 10. júla 2021. FOTO TASR/AP A nurse holds a bottle of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, donated by Denmark, at Mbagathi Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya Saturday, July 10, 2021. The global death toll from COVID-19 eclipsed 4 million this week as the crisis increasingly becomes a race between the vaccine and the h Zdroj: Brian Inganga
JB 40 Nairobi - Zdravotná sestra drží ampulku s vakcínou proti ochoreniu COVID-19 od spoločnosti AstraZeneca, ktorú darovalo Dánsko počas očkovania vo vakcinačnom centre v nemocnici v Nairobi 10. júla 2021. FOTO TASR/AP A nurse holds a bottle of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, donated by Denmark, at Mbagathi Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya Saturday, July 10, 2021. The global death toll from COVID-19 eclipsed 4 million this week as the crisis increasingly becomes a race between the vaccine and the h Zdroj: Brian Inganga