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PK 9 New York - Burzový maklér obchoduje na newyorskej burze v utorok 22. februára 2022. Wall Street sa v utorok výrazne oslabila. Dôvodom je eskalácia ukrajinskej krízy a nové sankcie proti Rusku, ktoré oznámil americký prezident Joe Biden. FOTO TASR/AP

In this photo provided by the New York Stock Exchange, specialist Gregg Maloney works at his post on the trading floor, Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022. Stocks shifted between small gains and losses in morning trading on Wall Street Tuesday as tensions e
PK 9 New York - Burzový maklér obchoduje na newyorskej burze v utorok 22. februára 2022. Wall Street sa v utorok výrazne oslabila. Dôvodom je eskalácia ukrajinskej krízy a nové sankcie proti Rusku, ktoré oznámil americký prezident Joe Biden. FOTO TASR/AP

In this photo provided by the New York Stock Exchange, specialist Gregg Maloney works at his post on the trading floor, Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022. Stocks shifted between small gains and losses in morning trading on Wall Street Tuesday as tensions e
PK 9 New York - Burzový maklér obchoduje na newyorskej burze v utorok 22. februára 2022. Wall Street sa v utorok výrazne oslabila. Dôvodom je eskalácia ukrajinskej krízy a nové sankcie proti Rusku, ktoré oznámil americký prezident Joe Biden. FOTO TASR/AP

In this photo provided by the New York Stock Exchange, specialist Gregg Maloney works at his post on the trading floor, Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022. Stocks shifted between small gains and losses in morning trading on Wall Street Tuesday as tensions e