This April  30, 2013 photo, shows Russian businessman and billionaire Gennady Timchenko in St. Petersburg, Russia. U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday, March 20, 2014 expanded U.S. economic sanctions against Moscow over its actions in Ukraine, targeting President Vladimir Putin's chief of staff and 19 other individuals as well as a Russian bank that provides them support. Those named in the sanctions Thursday include Timchenko, lifelong Putin friend whose company has amassed billions of doll
Zdroj: Alexander Nikolayev

Gennady Timchenko

  • zdroj bohatstva: ropa, plyn
  • hodnota majetku: 22 miliárd dolárov

Gennady Timchenko má podiel v spoločnosti Novatek a Sibur, spolu s partnerom Leonidom Mikhelsonom.

Údajne má blízko k Vladimirovi Putinovi.